Film trailers vs Film openings

Film Trailers VS Film Openings

Typically film trailers, are a collection of all the best parts of a film, collated into a montage. They explain the story line vaguely and have the job of persuading you to watch the movie.

This is evident in 'The Conjuring' film trailer.

The Conjuring opening:

Film openings are usually much more slow tempo. For example, The Conjuring opening leaves lots of unanswered questions and doesn't give too much away. Most of the scariest parts happen later on in the film.

HOWEVER, there are some horror films that start straight off with a big, 'horrific' scene.

Saw Movie Opening:
There are two main types of horror movie openings. They either start off slow, nothing scary- but the audience can guess the characters' fate. Or there is immediately a scary scene- automatically appealing to the audience (presumably fans of the horror genre.)

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