Comedy vs Horror

Rom Com/ Comedy Films

-Usually occur in a busy, urban place- difficult to film in
Several scenes in Love Actually are filmed in an airport, a busy and chaotic place.

-Need dialogue, to develop characters- therefore need good quality acting throughout (hard to find)
 Professional actors used in Bridget Jones Diary ensures character development.

-A funny, witty script is needed and it would be hard to think of original ideas
Valentine's Day

-Typically higher budget
A high angle shot from a helicopter, or top of a building is used in New Year's Eve.

-Humour can be hard to evoke from the audience
Well known actors are used in Friends with Benefits, which already adds to the comical effect.

Horror Films

-Can often occur in a quiet abandoned place- good to film in
Cabin in the woods

-Script is not as important, the audience want to see action
Nightmare on Elm Street

-Good quality acting is not a priority
Nightmare on Elm Street

-Can have a lower budget and still be convincing

-Fear is an easier emotion to evoke

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