Deconstruction of Silence of the Lambs

The sequence begins with close up and medium tracking shots of a girl running through the woods. This creates ambiguity, especially as it is paired with non-diegetic parallel, sinister music composed mostly of string instruments. The location is some woods (dimly lit), which shows how isolated she is, and the audience is not sure if she running away from something.
The tilt to "hurt, agony, pain" introduces the audience to the genre (crime thriller) and establishes a violent theme.

It is later revealed that she is running an assault course, which changes the mood of the scene, and gives the audience the idea that she is much more masculine than most female characters.
This is further emphasised when she enters the building of the FBI base, as she is very small in comparison to the men that fill the corridors, and the medium shot of her standing in the lift in blue with lot's of large men in red, indicates that she is not the typical female character.
The use of colours could be used to represent the male gender as being a threat, as the colour red connotes danger, especially as it stands out against the muted colours of the building and her clothes.

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