Destruction of Se7en opening title

The title of the film appears first, which creates suspense as the audience don't know what the film is going to be about. The white, typewriter like font against the black background makes it look old and worn down, as well as ominous.
Mise en Scene
Razor blades and other sharp objects are shown, this sets the tone for the whole movie and keeps the audience on edge.
To add to this, blood is also shown as this ties in with the codes and conventions of the genre.
It is evident that the character has little interest in hygiene as lot's of dirty objects are shown.
A sense of fear is created as very dark, hard to distinguish objects are often displayed.
Close up point of view shots from the killer's perspective of objects that have some significance later within the film foreshadows the events that will take place later on.
Also close up's of the killers hands disorientates the audience along with creating fear.
The diegetic sounds of rustling paper and objects implies that the character is very focused.
The non-diegetic music creates an ominous effect as well as discomfort, as it is very shrill and loud.
The shots are very slow and fade into each other, building up tension and suspense.
It is a montage, which demonstrates the killers process and the extent of planning he went to.
Disorientation and fear are created as words flicker on and off screen.
Also the red filter that is used suggests blood and anger.

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