Codes and Conventions of Horror

We are planning to film a Horror Film, and have researched the codes and conventions of the horror genre. These factors contribute to an appropriate style that will meet audience expectations, while hopefully exceeding them, because after all, a good horror should always have parts the audience does not expect.


  • Camera work (close ups of the characters to show their emotion).   

  • Long shots (establish the location as well as what the characters are doing).
  • These long shots could also be interpreted as POV shots, as if he character is being watched from afar.
  • Fast paced music (create suspense). 

Conventions of a thriller

The character might be:
  • Materialistic
  • Street-smart
  • Immoral
  • Meglo-maniacal 
  • Self-destructive. 
  • Rivalry with other criminals in gangster warfare is often a significant plot characteristic.
  • They rise to power showing an ambitious desire for success and recognition, but underneath they can express sensitivity and gentleness.

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