Our Plot


A girl wakes up to discover she has been tied up in a shed. She has been hit over the head, and has blood dripping from her temple. She stands up and looks around, terrified by what she sees. Dozens of photos of her, are on the wall- taken without her knowledge. Someone has been stalking her. There are newspaper articles reporting on the story of her past: (She stole money from her boyfriends to pay for her cocaine addiction but wasn't prosecuted.) If seeing the photos isn't enough, she then hears footsteps. A man enters and pushes her against the wall. He begins cutting the rope that binds her hands- is he saving her? When the girl asks him how to get out, he pushes her to the floor- she was wrong in thinking he could save her. He drags her up from the floor by her hair and picks up a rope to strangle her. Once she is struggling to breathe her last breaths, he picks up a knife and slashes her throat. Her lifeless body slumps to the floor and her empty eyes stare ahead.

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